Team Leaders Needed We’d love for you to join our adult team leaders for the Y.E.S. weekend June 13-15th. Adult team leaders need to be current college freshmen, up to retirees. Please follow this link to register by May 20. Contact Renee Kelch with any questions at 419.236.4006. Please answer His call today because the opportunities are endless and the reward is eternal!
Category: News
Honoring our graduates of 2024
St John parish would like to recognize the senior class of 2024 on May 19th at the 10:00 am Mass. Please RSVP on our website or Facebook page or call the parish office during office hours. Thank you!
Troop 77 Coffee & Tea Sale
When: April 6 & 7 after Mass/ Where: In the atrium
What: Scouts from Troop 77 will be taking orders for Erie Island Coffee and Harney & Sons Tea. All products are $15 and payment is due upon placing your order. Orders are scheduled to be filled and should be available for pick up after Masses on May 11 & 12.
Why: Fundraiser. We still haven’t had our regular popcorn fundraiser since the pandemic, and the parish was quite supportive of our coffee & tea sales last Spring – for which we are very appreciative.
Coffee: Specialty roasted (8 flavors), 12 oz K-cups, 100% ground Arabian beans/Tea: 4 oz tins (6 flavors), Artisan Loose Thank you for your support!
Celebrating Seniors
This Holy Week, consider joining us at St. John for rosary, Mass, lunch and a video on Eucharistic miracles. Rosary begins at 10:40am on Wed, March 27. Offer this time to Our Lord, and prepare for Jesus’s Resurrection with us!
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday: Thurs, March 28 – 7:30 pm Service/Adoration until 11:00 pm
Good Friday: Friday, March 29 – 1:00 pm Service/3:00 pm Outdoor Stations
Holy Saturday: Saturday, March 30 – 8:30 pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday: Sunday, March 31 – 8:00 am Mass/10:00 am Mass
Please donate to the Annual Catholic Appeal:
ACA funds help run Catholic Charities, education of seminarians, youth and young adult coordination for the Diocese, the marriage tribunal ministry, marriage preparation for couples, campus ministry, and more. The theme for this year is “Yesterday, Today and Forever.” We ask that your prayerfully decide what to give this year.
Furniture Bank:
We have a great need for new or gently used pots, pans, skillets, dish towels, bath towels, wash clothes and all sizes of bed sheet sets (labeled with size please). If everyone can find a few, it will help a lot. Drop off at the St. Mary Parish Ministry Center or call St. Mary’s office for pick up. (419-782-2776) Thanks for helping those in need.
Stations of the Cross
We will be praying the Stations of the Cross each Friday at 5:00 pm during Lent: Please consider setting aside what will be less than an hour of time to pray and reflect on the Lord’s passion, where we are reminded of the meaning and purpose that his love and sacrifice have in our lives. We challenge you to bring a friend who may have never experienced the grace of humility gained by these prayers and reflections.
IRS Contribution Letters
If you would like a copy of your 2023 donations call us at the office, and we will provide one.
Pray with us on Wednesdays
6:30 to 7:30 pm
St. John & St. Mary have Adoration in both churches.
Join us for a few minutes at any time during the hour for a peaceful, sacred visit with the Lord. All are welcome!