For Oktoberfest!
Bring them to the K of C Hall
On October 15 Thank you!
For Oktoberfest!
Bring them to the K of C Hall
On October 15 Thank you!
Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral
October 22 at 3:00 pm
We need Volunteers to join us on the Festival Council
We need LEADERS to step up to help us build on last year’s great success.
Call the Parish Office to volunteer or sign-up sheets are in the bulletin.
Saturday, August 5
Presented by Men’s Renewal Of The Heart
Sharing @ 9:00am/ Lunch @11:30 am
Location : Neil Siemet’s, 15630 Blosser Road, Ney
Feature Speakers: St. Mike parishioners Cole and Christian Commisso will share on the theme “Grow in Faith.”
Bring your lawn chair and a great spirit of brotherhood. RSVP if possible so we can plan for lunch: grwestrick@gmail,com, George at 419-784-3975 or Martin at 419-782 -3418.
Number of pledges: 120
Parish Target Amount: $34,701
Total amount given: $28,397.50
Percent to target: 81.8% Thank you!
High School Youth Minister – The combined religious education program for St. John/St.Mary is seeking a faithful Catholic who is energetic, organized, and creative. The successful candidate for this part-time (20 hour) position will be the leader of prayer and faith formation along with assistant catechists. There will be frequent weekend and evening responsibilities. A background in education is preferred. Estimated start date will be July 15, 2023. Job description request, letter of intent, resume, and questions may be sent to the Catholic Formation Coordinator, Pam Lightle at: or dropped off at the St. John parish office at 510 Jackson Ave. Defiance, OH 43512.
Middle School/Confirmation Coordinator for Second Hour – The combined religious education program for St. John/St. Mary is seeking a faithful Catholic who is energetic, organized, and creative. Estimated start date will be July 15, 2023. Job description request, letter of intent, resume, and questions may be sent to the Catholic Formation Coordinator, Pam Lightle at: or dropped off at the St. John parish office at 510 Jackson Ave. Defiance, OH 43512.
is in need of volunteers to help distribute food on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. The pantry is located in the St Mary’s Ministry Center and normal operating hours for the pantry is 2:30 to 4:30 pm. You can volunteer for whatever fits your schedule. If you would like to help with this very worthwhile ministry call the St John’s Parish office or simply come to the Food Pantry during operating hours and check it out. Thank you!
is now 8:00 am until school begins in August.
All are welcome!
Join us at St. John as we pray for and honor our veterans, past and present, on Wednesday, May 31. Rosary begins at 10:40 am with Mass at 11:00. Lunch and program follow. JD Grim will be our speaker. He will share his military story and how his faith sustained him. Hope you can be there for our last celebration of the season!
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