Middle School/Confirmation Coordinator for Second Hour – The combined religious education program for St. John/St. Mary is seeking a faithful Catholic who is energetic, organized, and creative. Estimated start date will be July 15, 2023. Job description request, letter of intent, resume, and questions may be sent to the Catholic Formation Coordinator, Pam Lightle at: plightle@stjohndefiance.org or dropped off at the St. John parish office at 510 Jackson Ave. Defiance, OH 43512.
Author: St. John Admin
The Defiance Catholic Food Pantry
is in need of volunteers to help distribute food on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. The pantry is located in the St Mary’s Ministry Center and normal operating hours for the pantry is 2:30 to 4:30 pm. You can volunteer for whatever fits your schedule. If you would like to help with this very worthwhile ministry call the St John’s Parish office or simply come to the Food Pantry during operating hours and check it out. Thank you!
The Summer Wednesday Mass time at HCCS
is now 8:00 am until school begins in August.
All are welcome!
Celebrating Seniors:
Join us at St. John as we pray for and honor our veterans, past and present, on Wednesday, May 31. Rosary begins at 10:40 am with Mass at 11:00. Lunch and program follow. JD Grim will be our speaker. He will share his military story and how his faith sustained him. Hope you can be there for our last celebration of the season!
Congratulation graduating seniors!
May God bless your future endeavors.
HCCS Enrollment for PreK and K:
Attention parents of children who will be ages 3-5 this fall: Holy Cross has space and scholarships available in the PreK 3, PreK 4, Young 5’s and Kindergarten classes for new families. Give your child a great start learning about the love of Jesus and preparing for a successful academic career. Call or visit HCCS for more information! www.defianceholycross.org, 419-784-2021
Funeral Dinner Coordinators Needed:
We are in need of a few more Coordinators. Volunteers prepare a meal for the grieving family of a parishioner, which is served after the burial or funeral liturgy.
Please call the office if you are being called to this ministry. 419-782-7121. Thank you!
Save the Date
Spring Cleaning: April 22
Day of Grace
St. Mary’s Day of Grace: March 31, 9 am to 7 pm
We will be praying the Stations of the Cross each Friday at 5:00 pm during Lent.
Please consider setting aside what will be less than an hour of time to pray and reflect on the Lord’s passion, where we are reminded of the meaning and purpose that his love and sacrifice have in our lives. We challenge you to bring a friend who may have never experienced the grace of humility gained by these prayers and reflections.